Goal and Objectives

Overarching Goal
  • To support water security and resilience in the KAZA TFCA through the sustainable development and management of groundwater resources. 


  • With focus on the Kwando River Wildlife Dispersal Area (KRWDA), the KAZA-GROW Project will enhance the knowledge base on the water resources of the KAZA TFCA through a joint and interdisciplinary Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, including identifying hotspot transboundary areas for groundwater development to improve water security, livelihoods, resilience, and human-wildlife coexistence.
  • It will also strengthen the policy attention to groundwater through a Transboundary Groundwater Management Framework for the KAZA TFCA, piloted for the KRWDA, and as a pre-cursor for a joint Strategic Action Plan on freshwater for the KAZA TFCA and a Southern African Development Community (SADC)-wide TFCA Policy for Groundwater for continued benefits for humans and biodiversity and sustainable economic development. 


Study Area

The Kwando River Wildlife Dispersal Area (the western-most area marked in yellow). The Nata Karoo TBA, the relevant TBA for the KRWDA, is marked in blue, while exact delineation is still uncertain.

The KAZA-GROW Project will focus on the Kwando Wildlife Dispersal area of the KAZA TFCA (approx. 105,000 km2), which encompasses the lower reaches of the Kwando/Cuando River in Angola, most of the Caprivi strip, parts of southwestern Zimbabwe and Northern Botswana. 


This project is implemented by: 
 International Water Management Institute (IWMI) 
In partnership with: 
Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) Secretariat 
Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) 

Funded by: 
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Resilient Waters Program 

For more information, contact: k.villholth@cgiar.org 

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